When I asked Lincoln in January when he wanted to start making his Valentine's he said "I'm not doing Valentine's this year". Well I was heart broken, but he said "I'm too old to do that". So I thought we had come to another milestone. Lincoln is 12, and he has assured me, even very recently, that I will always be able to hug, hold, & kiss him, even when he is married! I think that is sweet, but I know that my days are numbered in that area too. So I was very happy when he came home Wednesday night and said "I want to make Valentine's" and I asked him if he wanted to go to the store and pick some out with the little envelopes and he said "Mom, we have never bought store bought Valentine's" so we set out to make some. I went to the store and bought some brown polka dot Martha Stewart party cups, used some pink card stock, some pink & brown ribbon, and purchased some Swiss Miss
hot chocolate mix with marshmallows. This is what we came up with, in a huge hurry! I love how they turned out, and even the boys in his class loved them!!! Way to go Lincoln. Do any of you have sweet boy stories, I just gush when I hear them?!

Lindsey's Valentine's weren't so cute, but then again, she hadn't even mentioned Valentine's Day. She is a
sophomore, and I wasn't sure if she would even want to, but I was prepared, just in case. When I saw these little candy boxes that you could fill with
pre-packaged conversation hearts, I was all over that. And you couldn't beat the price. Twenty-two Valentine's for $4.88. I just love
Wal-Mart!! She took these and passed them out at school and you can't tell me that the
Sophomore's weren't tickled pink to get a little treat!!! I am glad that my children are gift givers. I hope that your little gift givers bless you with many Valentine treats today!!! Have a wonderful day filled with many blessings.
1 comment:
Oooh what a FABULOUS idea! I just might try to do the same! I have been decorating a Baby Girl pillow that you hang on a door knob. It's for my cousin's new baby. I miss you girl! Have a great rest of the week! Happy Creating!
Sandy xox
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