I love the simple elegance of these special bottles. One of my dearest Silver Bella Sister's & friend Lisa
Orme made these. She has a little shop here in
Bloomington IN called Lola Rue & Co. and it is a treat. It is very hard for me to buy these bottles and I have to sneak to do it...because she usually just tucks them in the bag and won't charge me for them. She likes to give just because gifts. I like to support her by purchasing her creations. I picked up the string because I love the color and it looks dreamy with the bottles. Do you have a special friend that creates special & beautiful things?

Look at the awesome crown. Bella's love crowns & this bottle makes me feel so special. Look at the seam binding the way it has been run through the crown. The handmade vintage lace....so yummy.

I am in awe looking at the vintage
millnery. The delicate folds and cream colored lace. When I display these in my home I will put them in my bathroom. I like to put all the special stuff there so when I am luxuriating in the bathtub I am surrounded by creative inspiration. Thanks Lisa for adding
beauting to my baths and beauty to my life. What kind of beauty will inspire you at every turn today?
Love, Love Love!! And it makes the world go round, ya know?! Thanks for the beauty today Hope:)
What a sweet friend Lisa is!!!! And talented too!!! Her creations are beautiful...you are a lucky friend!!!
everything vintage
Hello Hope...it was so good to hear from you! These pins from your friends shop are amazing. Love the crown one (I have a small collection of crown pins myself) and the circle pin with the pearls remind me of one that my mother had. Now I'm going to have to go through my jewelry draw to see if I have it. I hope so!
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