Today was another beautiful day. I woke up well rested and excited because my mother & I had planned to make a day of junking & lunching. I took her to the places that I normally frequent, but it was more fun doing it on a planned exursion. Our first venture was of course to the Opportunity Shop. It opens at 9:00 a.m. and I almost always see my gorgeous Bella Sister Lisa there. Today was not different. She has the neatest little shop in Bloomington called Lola Rue and I sell some of my things there. We chatted and shopped together. My mother told her how proud she was of Lisa because of her shop and what she has made it into. Today, oddly enough, I struck it rich with shoes. I never buy shoes while I am junking, but today was the exception and no wonder. I purchased a brand new, never worn pair of Dansko clogs, a very sporadically worn pair of Clarke's and an adorable lizardy pair of brown flats. The 3 pairs were all together $8. I was just joyful!!! I also purchased some vintage jewelry that will be an inspiration for my vintage jewelry collection to be unveiled soon!!! Then we went to Back Street Missions where I saw another Beautiful Bella Sister, Cherie. She was out shopping for cool bling & baubles. Here I purchased a couple of picture frames for future hand cut sihlouettes. The neatest place where I purchased things today however was, Zach's Treasure Chest, and boy did I find treasures. I bought a giant Charolette Head doll that was clothed in a hideous Gheisa girl dress. I took her out to the car and tore her clothes off. I remarked to my Mother how as a child I wanted all my dolls clothed, taught my children to clothe their dolls and here as a 42 year old, I was tearing the clothing off as fast as I could. She is adorable with her stuffed naked body. I also got a tiny little Charolette Head doll. I didn't disrobe her though, but I probably will. I purchased gorgeous crochet string, it is dry rotted, but I don't care. The colors are inspirational & beautiful. They are cool just to look at. I purchased this old black, gold & red tin. It is inspiration for my kitchen renovation, which probably will never be finished. I also got a neat Liberty Bell that was only half a dollar! That will be a neat stocking stuffer for my little liberty boy....Lincoln. Various buttons, jewels, & baubles filled my basket. All in all, it was a glorious day and now to unload and put away all my awesome purchases for future use and inspiration.