I believe that my creative flair, if one can call it that, comes from my mother. When I was a little girl my mother didn't give me coloring books, she gave me art paper. CREATIVE. She wouldn't give me barbies until I could dress them myself. Would one ever say there is creativity in a barbie? Well my mother thought so, and to be able to play with barbies you had to be able to create their wardrobes. CREATIVE. At the time, I thought it was harsh, but as a grown woman I can see the importance of the task at hand. We improvised in the kitchen. CREATIVE. Today, in my friends & families opinion, I am a good cook. Whether it be a cupcake for Brownies, a treat bag for the Youth Football League, or a gift basket donation, I add my flair. CREATIVE. So when I happened upon these awesome vintage Christmas light luminaries from the 1920's I thought???? "What can I do with these?" So I added some silk ribbon, that I had on hand, punched a vintage photograph, & added some German Glass Glitter. I think the affect is totally vintage & whimical. Thanks Mom for guiding me along the creative of path of life! Blessings.
These are wonderful1 I cannot wait to see them in person!
Thanks Beth. I know you are just my sister & you have to say that, but they are really neat...I love that I will probably never be able to make these again because who knows if I will ever find the luminaries again. I think that makes them extra special though!
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