The other day I had the opportunity to spend some time with Lincoln....just the 2 of us. We set our sights on an estate auction for a fun day of bidding on our hearts desire. The cute little auction house is so quaint and he has loved going there since he was a baby. They have all these cool boy things...old tools...old stuffed animals like deer heads, raccoons, birds & coyotes....and vintage license plates. He really liked those and wanted to have some to put in his fort. I had told him that I knew where there were many & quite possibly we might purchase them for 50% off if they were still at this garage sale. Well we high tailed it out of the auction house and drove like crazy to see if they were still there. They were...we were thrilled. We got them for 50% off and decided to embark on a bedroom make over for him. We are going to put them in as a border or something fun like that...we will show the after pictures when we are finished. Most of the license plates are pre 1950's....some as early as 1912 & we think they are just totally neat. What fun & creative adventures have you taken with your child lately?
This is TOO cool! These are gorgeous plates! Why don't they make them that pretty anymore? His room will look great! Of course they'd look good in the fort too I'm sure. Where ever they go, you have to show us!!!!
everything vintage
Can't wait to see what you do with these treasures..
those are so so cool! Love them!! Can you believe SB is just 2 months form now??
xoxo, Tiffany
Awesome! They would make wonderful book covers! I must take my daughters antiquing with me one day. They will love it!
Sandy xox
Marvelous display! Thanks for sharing that image. It's great that you can enjoy your creativity with Lincoln!
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