Unto you a Savior is born.
Luke 2
Never in a million years would I have ever thought that there could be so many fun ways to decorate large kitchen match boxes....but then I never ventured into the wonderful world of blogging. I joined Speckled Egg's Petite Box Swap and I received 3 swap partners. I received Jeanne's box yesterday and you have never seen packaging come off a box in such a hurry. I was like a toddler on Christmas morning. I couldn't even open the box for what seemed like an eternity because it was so creatively & lovely decorated with vintage wallpaper, doilies, vintage velvet & German glass glitter in the most beautiful shades of creams & browns. Then I slid open the 'drawer' and there, lovingly packaged beneath the most adorable dotted swiss tissue paper was oodles of vintage ephemera, old doilies, crepe paper trims, millinery & baubles to de-lite any 'Bella' near or far. I hope the next petite boxes come staggered...because that might be more than I could bare in one day!!