Friday, July 22, 2011

Our First Chicken Eggs happened. Something I have been so excited to experience. Well it happened yesterday. Lincoln went out to the
coup like he does every morning. We knew it was getting close....and
yesterday it was here. Our chickens layed for the first time. We have
received 6 beautiful brown hued eggs. Three yesterday....& three
today. It is a miracle. I am so happy. I can't believe something
so simple is making me this happy. Are there simple miracles in your
life that make you exquisitely happy? If so please share them with me
in the comment section....I'd love to hear about them.


LuLu Kellogg said...

Oooooooo, sweet eggies!

Simple miracle here was 106 and I managed not to melt!

Sending Love,

Laurie said...

Lucky you!! Suzanne has baby chicks right now!