I remember meeting her for the first time. Willowy & beautiful in a beautiful pale pink suit. I just had to know this beautiful lady. We were at a Boy's & Girls Club Auxiliary Luncheon. My sweet friend Karen Mahoney introduced us....not only was she beautiful, she was sweet, nice, and one of the best hostesses I have ever had the opportunity to be served by. At one of her holiday gatherings she served this fabulous concoction....it was just awesome. You are supposed to serve it with rum, but Michelle served it as a coffee creamer. I just had to have the recipe, so I will forever immortalize Michelle Hoffman, my dear friend, on my blog and allow you the opportunity to make this wonderful concoction. It has become a holiday tradition in our home....and I am sure once you taste this, it will be a tradition in your home as well. By the way...don't be afraid of the ingredient list...you only use a little bit in each cup! Now you can share just a little bit of my friend...Michelle.
Hot Buttered Rum
1/2 gallon premium vanilla icecream
1 lb. butter, softened
1 lb. box powdered sugar
1 lb. box brown sugar
2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
Combine all ingredients and mix well. Place in a freezer safe container & store in the freezer until ready to use. Per mug, or use as I do in a cup of coffee.
1 oz. rum
2 T. mix
6-8 oz. boiling water